
Privacy Policy

This Scotch In Hand Millwork Privacy Policy was updated on September 30, 2021.

At Scotch In Hand Millwork, we are committed to protecting your privacy and handling every transaction with the utmost security measures in effect. We believe in complete transparency in the obtaining and usage of your personal data. The information you supply to Scotch In Hand Millwork is used to process orders and provide you with the best possible shopping and interaction experience. Please read on for more detail about our privacy/security policies.

Acceptance of Privacy Policy

In order to process orders, create a store account, post a review, provide requested marketing notifications, accept a contest entry, display a submitted project or maintain general business interaction, we need to process the personal information you have provided. By reading this policy, you are confirming that you have read and understand how and why we use your information. You are not required to provide the personal information requested. If personal data is not provided, we will simply not be able to continue with any transactions or business interaction.

Personal Information We Collect

When you create a store account, purchase a product, download a digital item, request a product quote, participate in a survey, join our mailing list, contact us in general or engage in a business interaction, a variety of information may be collected, including your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, IP address, location information, device identification, and credit card information. In certain cases we may request proof of business ownership and additional personal information.

There may be times when non-personal or identifiable information is collected such as online store browsing behavior, product interaction or shopping habits, of which none is combined with personal information for identification purposes. This information is solely used to create a better shopping experience or product offering.

Information, Use and Control

We may process your personal information provided with your consent, for purposes as described above in order to complete a transaction or business interaction. We may also use this information to update you on product announcements, upcoming events, sweepstakes notifications, software updates, product purchases or transactional notifications. If you do not wish to be contacted by us, you may update your account preferences at scotchinhandmillwork.com or email our Customer Service department at [email protected] with a request for opt-out. Your consent to use of personal data may be revoked at any time upon request.

How does Scotch In Hand Millwork protect customer information?

Scotch In Hand Millwork takes the security of your personal data very seriously and has long implemented layers of protection to protect your privacy. When you place orders or access your order information, we offer the use of a secure server. The secure server software (SSL) encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all of the customer data we collect is protected against unauthorized access.

In select cases, you may choose to share personal information such as your name or contact information in reviews, forum posts, product questions or social media interaction. You are responsible for the personal information you have chosen to share in these instances, and this information does not fall under the protection of our privacy policies. Please exercise care when using any of these features as usage is at your discretion.

Will Scotch In Hand Millwork disclose the information it collects to outside parties?

Scotch In Hand Millwork does not and will not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others. All information gathered from purchases, surveys, newsletter sign ups and other online activities are used by Scotch In Hand Millwork to track sales, maintain customer service and handle marketing related issues. In the event of sweepstakes submissions, your permission is required via a clearly defined opt-in on the entry form in order to provide our partner with your email address or contact information.

We Do Not Disclose Your Private Online Communications

We honor the confidentiality of our customers’ private e-mail communications with Scotch In Hand Millwork , as well as any profile data you may create.

Opt-In and Opt-Out Newsletter

The Scotch In Hand Millwork online newsletter is an opt-in only newsletter where customers must sign-up with a request to receive this newsletter. Any customer at any time may opt-out or unsubscribe to our electronic newsletter. Clear instructions on how to unsubscribe are included at the bottom of every mailing. This mailing list is never sold, rented or used by a third party. We do not disclose any data from our mailing list.


By shopping with us, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information, as stated above, by Scotch In Hand Millwork. If in the future we change any portion of our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we may collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances if any, we disclose it.

Cookies and Other Technology

Our site and marketing communications may use cookies, pixel tags and analytics tracking to provide a better shopping experience, understand user behavior or measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Pixel tags and analytics tracking provide non-personal information so we may optimize our interactions in order to provide a more pleasant shopping experience. Cookies are a mechanism to remember information about a visitor from one page to another to make your experience more convenient. Web browsers store cookies so that the browser itself can remember some information and then, on request, pass all that information up to the server at one time. We use cookies to preserve your shopping cart. This allows you to leave our site, come back later, and still have the contents of your shopping cart intact. Our website requires the use of cookies. Turning off cookies or rejecting the scotchinhandmillwork.com cookie will prevent you from accessing the website.

In Summary

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect on the site to make shopping at Scotch In Hand Millwork possible and to enhance your overall online experience with us. We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others. We pledge to all our customers to work diligently to protect the information gathered and to seek to use the latest web technologies to provide a safe, private shopping experience. Our employees, vendors and third-party service providers are required to adhere to the same strict privacy enforcement policies in order to safeguard your information.

Tell Us What You Think

Scotch In Hand Millwork welcomes your questions and comments about privacy. Please feel free to send an e-mail to info@scotchinhandmillwork.com or contact our Data Protection officer at the following:

Scotch In Hand Millwork

Attn: Data Protection Officer
141 Big Piece Rd
Fairfield, NJ 07004